Monday, March 5, 2012


This is My Senior Thesis, a game I'm working on with 3 other team members, Brian Harries, Clarke Nordhauser, and Dan Martinez.  The game focuses on war between two different societies as they use massive airships to vie for control of vital resources needed to power all of their technology. One team, lives above the cloud cover and has a more sleek, sophisticated style (“Blue” team), the other team lives down at water level and has a more ramshackle, pieced together look (“Red” team). The game focuses on multiplayer flight combat and the control of mining points where you can collect resources for your team. There are two classes of ships, fighter ships, which are also used for reconnaissance, and gigantic carrier ships that are used as both flying aircraft carriers and as the main way to mine resources.

I was responsible for making the massive carrier ship for the Blue team in Among Skies

Here's some shots of the high poly, with the smaller fighter ships next to the carrier for scale.

A couple shots of the initial, real world kitbash model I created as inspiration for the final design.

The first sub-d model I ever created, made for a vehicle project in Junior year

A modular environment I created based off of a concept by Sam Brown

 A quick environment I created, inspired by the farmhouse from the movie Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick.

A Z-brush werewolf bust I sculpted for a class I took at the Concept Design Academy, summer 2011.